It's January 17th. 11 years ago, I lived in Nishinari-ku, Osaka, working for Tenhiko-Sangyo as its translator. In the morning on Jan. 17th 1995, a few minutes after I woke up and turned on TV to watch めざましテレビ, I heard a strange sound and immediately after this, things on my apartment began to turn around and jolt.
It was 阪神大震災 which I cannot forget even now or forever.
Time flies!!! It has already past 11 years since then.
There is one thing I remembered clearly about the earthquake. In the previous night, say Jan. 16th, when I was walking on the street near my apartment house, I happened to look up at the moon and then the moon was unusually bigger and brighter than usual. I felt something would happen soon in the future.
阪神大震災では、大阪でもかなりゆれました。 We experienced a very strong jolt even in Osaka.
It was not "jolt" but things shook and turned around just like merry-go-around. アパートやモノが回る様にゆれて、怖かったです。 It made me feel frightened very much.
She's one of my correspondence students.
We practiced English skills through special training methods.
At 15:00 I had an English lesson with the deshi. For the first 5 or 10 minutes, I asked the student from Oita for help and I got her to talk about herself in Japanese and let the deshi interpret this self-introduction. Then, we had English pronunciation training with the deshi up to 16:30. I had other two English lesson after this. I have something to tell you in this diary, but next time.