全20件 (20件中 1-20件目)
今日小柄な68歳の女性を診察した。介護士専門学校に入学するのに必要な健康診断書をもらいに来たのである。離婚後看護助手として働きJAICで2年位ブラジルにボランテアで行ってきたこともあるとのことだった。ヒラリークリントンさんも68歳で大統領候補として頑張っている。同じ歳なので、頑張らなくてはと思っているとのことだった。同じ民主党の候補サンダース氏は74歳である。彼も頑張っている。日本にも同じ歳の人がいる。彼もまたサンダース氏のように頑張らなくてはと思ったとのことである。Today I examined the petite 68 -year-old woman. Health certificates arerequired to enroll in the College of nursing care workers. She has worked asa nursing assistant after the divorce and had worked for the JAIC 2 years inBrazil as a volunteer. She said that Hillary Rodham Clinton is working hardas a presidential candidate of the USA at the age of 68 , so she will fightas the same age. The same democratic nominee Mr. Sanders is 74 -year-old. Hehas been also active in the presidential fighting field. There is a personwho is same age in Japan. He also pressured himself to fight as the sameage of Mr. Sanders.
2月26日(金)の夜は自治会長会議、27日(土)の夜は組会議、28日(日)の午前中は道に並べる菜の花用プランターに菜の花の植え替え作業、午後は組長会議があり今やっと一連の自治会業務が一段落したところである。それらの会議の資料作りなどで忙しかったので、部屋の中は散らかしっぱなしだ。これから身に染みてかたずけをしようと思う。Feb.26 (Friday) night, meeting of local Chairman, at 27 (Saturday) night wasoperated the pair meeting, at 28 (Sunday) in the morning we worked toreplant the rape to the planter for the purpose of setting on the road, andhad the leader meeting in the afternoon, now finally I settled the series ofautonomous operations. As I was very busy making materials for thosemeetings, l have leaved a mess in the room. I will absorb to clear up themess now.
私はかなり忙しい人間である。毎日朝から夜まで病院に勤め、地域の自治会長もしている。忙しすぎて心の余裕がない。でもこんな人間にも楽しみがある。それは朝7時半から朝ドラを観ることである。時間になると必ず廊下を小走りに走ってくると家内に笑われている。主人公のアサが命を狙われて刺されたが、それでも女子大学設立の情熱を失わずに猛進する姿に感銘している。3月で終わってしまうが4月から始まる新しいドラマも素晴らしいものであってくれと願っている。I am a very busy man. I work in the hospital from early morning until night,also am the Chairman of the autonomous region. I am no peace of mind becausetoo busy. But such person has also a pleasure. It is to watch the morningdrama from am 7.30 . I always emerge on the corridor trotting down nearingthe starting time of drama and have been ridiculed by my wife. I amimpressed with the appearance of heroin who were assassinated to kill, butshe has still the hope to build the women's University without losing thepassion. This drama will end in March , I hope the new drama starting fromApril should be wonderful too.
今日は川崎市の老人ホームで介護者が入居者を突き落した事件に関連して介護と虐待についての話題をラジオで聴きながら帰ってきた。急激な高齢化で老人施設が次々と造られる一方、その人達を介護する人達がいない現実が浮かび上がっていた。少子化で若者の絶対数が少なくなっている上に仕事内容がハードなのに給料がびっくりするくらい安いのでなり手が少ない現実がある。人手が足りないので介護者には益々ストレスがかかっており、虐待も起こるだろうとのことだった。入居者は認知症が多く、その世話は並大抵ではない。人手を増やす必要があるが、それにはまず介護職の給料を上げなくてはダメだ。仕事内容の割には信じられないくらい給料が安い。国や市町村で相応の補助金を出すべきだと思う。I came home today with listening the program on the radio about the care andabuse in the care house associated with the news of dropping out the elderlyresidents by care worker of nursing home in the Kawasaki city.While many care facilities for the elderly people have been built one afteranother in rapid increase of population of elderly people, care workers arenot sufficient, very few.There are not so many young people who want to work as a caregiver becausethe work is very hard and the pay is surprisingly less . Abuse may happensin such circumstances that caregiver has felt more and more stress due tolack of manpower. It is no easy to take care of dementia residents. Theyrequire additional manpower, for that purpose, we should raise the pay forcare workers. For the content of work, they are unbelievable low salary. Ithink State and local governments should grant for the care workersaccordingly.
カナダのパトリックチャン選手(25)がフィギアスケートの4大陸選手権で優勝した。ショートプログラムでは5位だったがフリーで200点超えを出し逆転優勝した。不調で1年休養した後の快挙でうれしそうだった。若い選手が次々に台頭し、ベテランの影はだんだん薄くなっていくが、彼がベテランここにありを示してくれたのは心強い。日本の浅田真央選手も同じように休養したベテランである。ベテランだってやればできるのである。3月の世界選手権には浅田真央選手も出場する。若い選手にも頑張ってもらいたいが、ベテランだってなりふり構わず頑張ればできるということを示してもらいたいと思う。Canada's Patrick CHAN players (25) won in the four continents Figure SkatingChampionships. He was fifth in the short program but got over 200 points inthe free program and won. He was very happy after the one year rest in hisslump. Young players are emerging one after another, veteran shadows becomemore thin, but he showed here glory of veteran, it encourage us. Mao Asadaof Japan is also veteran and rested one year in slump. You can do it evenveteran. Mao Asada is scheduled to compete in the World Championships inMarch.Although I hope young players to do their best also, but I hope her most toshow the evidence that even veteran will win if she challenge like a dog.
ほとんどのズボンが穿けなくなってしまった。おなかが出た為である。何とかしなくてはならない。まず妻のごちそう攻めをかわすことを考えようと思う。Almost pants became smaller for me recently. It is because I have been a potbelly.I must think how to flatter my belly. First of all, I must fend off mywife's attack with a feast.
今月3日にフランスで食料廃棄禁止法が成立した。大型スーパーに対して食料の廃棄を禁止し、生活困窮者に配給する活動をする団体への寄付を義務つける法律が成立した。違反するたびに日本円で約48万円の罰金が科せられる。腐敗とか賞味期限などの問題もあり、今後解決していかなければならない課題もあるが、食べ物を大事にする精神育成に効果があると思われ、日本も見習うべきだと考える。It was enacted that the waste of food is ban earlier this month(Feb.3) inFrance. It was signed into law for a large supermarket to prevent the foodwaste and to contribute to the activities which deliver food to the poorpeople. Each violation can be fined about Y 480,000 in Japan Yen. Althoughthere are still some problems such as rotting down or the expiration date etc.,it seems effective on the mental development to treasure food. I think Japan should emulate this.
肺炎と心不全があり、急激に腎機能が悪化して重症の85歳女性について医大から透析室に来てくれている腎臓内科の先生に昨日助言を求めに行った。認知症があるその患者さんを丁寧に診察してくれて極めて適切な助言をしてくれてありがたかった。まだかなり若い先生だったがその態度や物腰、それに腎臓に関する素晴らしい学識に感銘を受けた。素晴らしい女性にはしばしば遭遇するが、心を洗われるような男性に遭遇することは少なかったがこのY先生はまさにそのような先生だった。自分と比べて格段の違いがあり、世の中にこんな人間もいるのかと思うと世の中が輝いて感じられた。今日の業務ではその先生のことを思い、少しでもその先生に近づくように患者さんや看護師さん達との対応に心を込めた。I have a 85-year-old woman who has pneumonia and congestive heart failure,and deteriorated renal function rapidly. I went to the dialysis center toask the doctor who came from the Medical College how treat the severenephrotic failure patient.He examined carefully the patient who has been dementia and gave me anextremely good advice. Although he was still pretty young doctor, I wasimpressed greatly by his nice attitude and demeanor, and the great learningabout kidney. I have encountered wonderful women often but did not meet theman who is nice as like as washing minds so often.However, the Y doctor was exactly like such person. He is greatly differentcompared to me, the world became shining when I thought that such niceperson exists in our world. Thinking about him in my today' work, I tried tobe kind to patients or nurses , to close him even a little.
帰りながらラジオを聴いてきたら日銀の金融政策がいかに無謀かの話をしていた。政府の景気目標である物価2%上昇の目標が中々達せられないので焦ってマイナス金利にしたのではないかとのことである。株は下がり円高になり経済は大混乱している。庶民にとっては物価は安い方がよいのだから、無理してインフレ率2%にする必要はどこにもない。経済の発展の結果として給料や物価が上がるならいいが、政府や日銀が金融政策で無理して物価を上げようとすることは間違っていると解説者が言っていたが私も同感で、信じられないような愚策だと思う。When I was listening the radio on my way home , they talked that the Bankof Japan's monetary policy is very reckless. In the talking they suspectedthe negative interest rates was decided because Japan Bank was quiteimpatient that the Government's economic targets which is 2 percent ascentgoal is not achieved . Stocks are falling, yen is becoming expensive, theeconomic is in chaos. There is no happy for ordinary people who like cheaperprices to get a 2% inflation rate. The commentators said it would bereasonable if wages and prices rise as a result of the development of theeconomy, but Government and Bank of Japan monetary policy strains to raisethe prices is wrong. I agreed with him absolutely.
体力がなくなると気力も湧かない。気分も落ち込む。体力を復活させなければならない。それには休める時にはゆっくり風呂に入って早めに寝ることだと思う。その間にも電話がかかってくるかもしれない。しかしどんな時でもきちんと対応する覚悟ができていれば休める時には休めるものである。衰弱してくると良い考えも湧かないし、良い行いもできない。体力、気力を充実させたいと思う。If the stamina runs out, sprits become poor. The mood is depressed.Physical fitness should be revive. You should rest gently in a bath and goto bed early when you have a free time. In the meantime you might havecalls. But in such case, if you are ready any time to correspond neatly, youare able to rest. There is no good idea and no good deeds, if you areweaken. I think I must to enhance stamina and sprit.
Although the day before yesterday 11th was duty, yesterday was ordinary workfrom the morning to attend an outpatient. Because I couldn't sleep on thenight before the day, I felt ashamed because I was so sleepy around 1:00 pmwhile attending to my patients.We had a lecture about the Prevention of medical errors from the 6:00pm as a hospital training. Injections should be double checked and confirmedby two people. And the speaker stressed the importance of respect in the workplace. It is interesting that we would commit less mistakes if we respect ourcolleagues and all coworkers in different departments. After I went home about 8pm., I ate supper, then slept like a pig on the couch in the room.
Today is national holiday, but I have come to the hospital as the duty of day and night. As I can't come home till tomorrow night, my wife prepared for me the underwear, Ripovitan D and snack foods, although she is against me to undertake the duty.An ex-husband injured his ex-wife and killed her mother in Hokkaido several weeks before. An ambulance car brought us a man who spent a night in the freezing woods several days before. He quarreled with his wife and entered to the woods in those cold winter season to kill himself.Even though they are a couple, each one's character or liking is absolutely different seeing also our relation. We quarrel with each other sometimes. But if you have the idea that such different is natural, you will develop the quarrel to an irretrievable big one.Two great events above happened because they didn't understand that the character of person is absolutely different even between the couple.
Miyazaki, k. lawmakers who will take the paternity holydays of male membersof Parliament first was reported that he had made the extramarital affairsright before the delivery of his wife Kaneko members (childcare 3 monthplan).As too large a gap between childcare declarations and the adultery, he hasbecome a big topic, but I would like express my opinion about childcare formembers of Parliament.Among the people, the members of Parliament are expected for bettering thelife of the people and should work hard all the time to be voted by overtens of thousands of people. The lawmakers should make every effort to beable to take a childcare for the members of the public not for himself. Ithink it is outrageous that he is absent from the important diet and take aholiday for himself.None of the public don't want something like that. I think they should workwithout rest even one day during their term of Office. If male doctorsabandoned patients to have the rest two months for child-rearing, it will bepermitted? It is not very possible. Although it is supposed to admit theholiday already in the diet, they should back to base once again to discusswell.
ノーベル賞をもらった大村智さんはお祖母さんに世のため人のためになる人になりなさいと言われながら育ったという。世のため人のためになるには金もあって体力、知力もなければできないのではないかと思う人もいるかもしれないが決してそんなことはない。彼は貧乏な農家の子供だし、能力だってそれほど高かったわけではない。志だと思う。偉大な大村先生と私はとても比較できる存在ではないが、私も貧乏な農家の子供として生まれ、才能も体力も平均以下だったと思う。しかし両親はそんな子供でも世のため人のためになる人になりなさいと願ってきた。今世のため人のために役立っているかどうかは分からないが、年取った今でも何等か役に立ちたいと願い努力している。世の中を見渡すとイスラム国のように人を殺して平気な人がいたり、いじめや児童虐待、詐欺や強盗、殺人など世のため人のための反対のことをしている人達がいる。それは社会が悪いからだ、貧困だからだと言う人がいる。私はそうは思わない。貧乏だから悪いことをするのではない。志がないからである。貧乏だからこそ志を持ってもらいたいと思う。世界では毎日多くの子供が生まれている。彼らはどのように育てられているのであろうか? どのような期待がかけられているのであろうか? 私は世界中の全ての親や家族は子供に世のため人のためになるように願って育ててもらいたいと願う。そうすれば子供は大きな志を持ってよい社会を造ってくれると思う。このことを私は世界に向かって訴えたい。It is said that Nobel prize winner Dr. Satoshi Ohmura has been brought up to be helpful for the people ,for the society said by his grandmother. People may think one must have money, strength or ability to help another person or the society. It is not correct. Dr. Ohmura was not rich, he was a son of a poor farmer and didn’t have special power or ability. I think it depends on the ambition not money or ability. Although, I hesitate to compare myself to Dr. Ohmura because he is very big person, I was also a son of poor farmer and my ability was probably lower than average. But my parents hoped for me to become a person who is valuable for other people and the society. I don't know if I am a purposeful person now, but I am still trying to become the person my parents want me to be even I got older now. There are many people who don't hesitate to kill another person like the ISIS, or bully their classmates, abuse children,commit fraud ,robbery or murder which is opposite of what is expected from a person in the world. Someone says it happens because the society is bad and there are a lot of poor people. I don't think so. It is not because they are poor to become evil. It is because they haven’t ambition. So I think the poor should have an ambition. There are many newborn babies in the world. How are the babies brought up? What is the desire to bring them to life? I expect all parents and families to raise their babies to be helpful people for the society, so they will have an ambition and make the world a better place. I want to appeal this to the world.
今日の午後88歳の女性患者さんを看取った。大動脈狭窄症と大動脈解離からの心不全と、末梢動脈梗塞で左足のゆびが壊疽になり切断したあとの足の痛みに約1年苦しめられてきた。本人が一番苦しかったと思うが、家族も看護者も辛かった。本人と家族よくここまで耐えてきたと敬服する。 We took care of 84 years old woman patient this afternoon. She suffered by congestive heart failure as she had an aortic valve stenosis and the aortic dissection, and has also suffered left leg pain because of the amputation of the left toes which had become necrotic due to distal arterial embolism for about one year. Her family and medical staff were also in severe pain. I respect the patient and her family because they have tolerated very big pains for a long time.
今日のテレビは清原和博に対する話題で持ちきりだった。プロ野球のスパースターだった人だけに残念がる人が多かった。長嶋、王は現役引退後もプロ野球振興のために心を砕いてきたが、清原にはそれがなかった。自分の才能に溺れ、引退後は過去の栄光で生きてきた印象だった。テレビが清原、清原ばかりだったのでチャンネルを回したら久本雅美のことを放映していた。彼女は57歳とのことでもっと若いと思っていたので驚いた。なぜ結婚しなかったのですか?との質問に一度求婚されたことがあったが仕事への思いが強く断ったとのことだった。清原と久本、才能では清原の方が上だったかもしれない。しかし今勝っているのは久本である。彼女は常に芸の上達とお客さん受けを考えて生きてきた。その話に思わず涙がこぼれた。清原は現役時代には素晴らしい花を咲かせたが引退後は堕落の人生を歩んできた。人生は才能ではない。常に目標を定めて努力する人が最後の勝利を得るのだと思う。Today's TV show was filled with the topics of Mr. Kazuhiro Kiyohara. Manypeople regretted as he was super hero. He hasn’t worked to promote theprofessional baseball like Mr. Nagasima or Mr. Oh. He has been wallowed inhis talent, and he has lived in his old glory after his retirement. As Ihave had enough of his topics, I changed the channel and found the topic ofMiss Masami Hisamoto. I was surprised as I heard she is 57 years because Ihave thought her more younger. She asked the question why she hasn’tmarried until now. She refused an offer because she has emphasized the workmore. Kiyohara might be superior for talent than Hisamoto, but now she iswinner than Kiyohara. I was brought tears to my eyes hearing she has livedto promote the skill and to please the guest in her life. Kiyohara bloomedwonderful beautiful flower in his commission. But his life after hisretirement was rotten. Life is not decided by the talent, the person who hasworked hard continuously to reach the aim will have get a victory at last.
今私が受け持っている患者さんは80歳台、90歳台の患者さんが殆どである。2階、3階、4階に分散入院しており毎日行ったり来たりしながら診療している。認知症もいれば意識がなくて胃ろうから栄養を入れている人もいる。人生の終末期になり、様々な機能や免疫力が落ちて食事を受け付け亡くなったり、頻回に発熱したりする。高齢だから仕方ないと思えるが、看護師は逐一それらを報告して指示を求める。職業柄彼らは高齢だから仕方ないとは思わない。どのような年齢の人でもあらゆる変調に対応しなければならないと考えている。「発熱しています」「尿が少ないです」とひっきりなしに連絡してくる。医師も「高齢だから、意識がないのだからそのようなことは仕方ないのですよ」とも言えない。高齢者はざまざまな症状が一杯あるのでそれに全て対応していくのは困難の極みである。家に帰ってきてからもしばしば病院から電話がかかってきて対応しなければならない。しかし自分もやがて老人になるのだから、親身に対応していこうと思っている。My patients are almost 80 agers or 90 agers. They are separated in 2nd , 3rdand 4th floor, I must go up and down every days. There are dementia patients orthe patients having a stomach fistula without consciousness.They are terminal stage of life, and their functions and immunity withered.They don’t eat sometimes and fever up often. It is suspected as usual assuch old person, but the nurse call me exactly and ask me the order to thesymptom. They don’t think it can't help such symptom as such old person asthe professional worker. They think they must react to every changes ofpatients even though in any ages." Fever up your patient!!" "Your patient'surine is little" They call me often. We can't say also " the patient can'thelp it as too much old person. It is very hard to react to the everysymptoms as the old patient is sickening for too many indications. We areoften suffered by call from hospital even at home. But we might be also oldperson in future, I think we must react faithfully even to such old patients.
全20件 (20件中 1-20件目)