Heavy rain since last night. It's usually described as a waterfall, but it's the momentum to defeat the hydran- gea in the garden. From the afternoon, there will be a district meeting in charge as a civil welfare officer. Preparing to go out, thinkin to be annoyed. Just before opening the front door, the rain stopped. (Because my daily activities are good! Hahaha.) Still, I brought an umbrella just in case. ... But the weather is recovering, the temerature is rising, and ... there is nothing more troublesome than the umbrella I have at such times.
Well, at 3:00 pm, the meeting was over, and I used a nasty umbrella as a cane and stopped by the book- store. I went through the shelves in various fields one after another, and purchased 3 books.
In recent years, although I no longer snoop on the name of my eye condition, whether it is myopia or presbyopia, but anyway, it is even less visible than before. That's why the pace of reading is much slower. It hard to manage that because I am reading with the naked eye, taking off my glasses and bringing my face close to the book. (I remember the form of the late Dr.Yasuo Yuasa reading.) I don't read it ina hurry, but somewhere in my heart, I have to read that too, and I have the feeling that I have to read this too. Before I die, I want to convince myself by twisting it into a single rope. No, I want to find a convincing landing point. In other words, before the disappearance of the flesh, "death," I want to be convinced of my spirit with my flesh. ... Maybe I feel that way. perhaps. ...