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☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生2

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 無量寿経シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings「私は美しい」シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings りんご充満空間シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 花のマスクシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 1

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 1

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 3

☆Tadami Yamada's 小さな絵日記より

☆Tadami Yamada's Still Life:静物画(1)

☆Tadami Yamada's Japanese style:「和」

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(1)野菜シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(2)貝殻シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(3)はんなりシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(4)人形シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part3

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part4


part 2  早川書房版

☆Tadami Yamada's Poetry 詩画集「遊卵飛行」

☆Tadami Yamada's Works: ブック・カヴァー選集

☆Tadami Yamada's イギリス・ミステリ傑作選カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's サンリオSF文庫他

☆Tadami Yamada's 光瀬龍、宇能鴻一郎、泡坂妻夫、志水辰夫他カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's ハヤカワ・ノヴェルズ、他

☆Tadami Yamada's 絵のない装丁

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書

☆Tadami Yamada's Illusto., Part1『闇の国の子供』

☆Tadami Yamada's『妖怪博士ジョン・サイレンス』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part3『プラネタリウム』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part4『世の終わりのイヴ』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part5『洪水伝説』他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part6 児童書その他の挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's Part7 『心霊術入門』その他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part8『別冊宝島仕事の本』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part9 初期雑誌挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『ジャンビー』挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『幽霊狩人カーナッキ』

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#1

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#2

■Yamada's Article(1)卵形の象徴と図像

■Yamada's Article(2)ユングの風景画

■Yamada's Article(3)画家ムンクの去勢不安

■Yamada's Article(4)夢幻能と白山信仰

■Yamada's Article (5) 城と牢獄の論理構造

■Yamada's Article(6)ムンク『叫び』の設計と無意識

■Yamada's Article (7) 病める貝の真珠

■Yamada's English Article (8) 能の時空間の現代性

■Yamada's Article (9)『さゝめごと』に現われた十識について

■Yamada's Article(10)狐信仰とそのイコノグラフィー

■Yamada's Article (11) 江戸の「松風」私論

■Yamada's Article (12) 伊勢物語「梓弓」について


☆インタヴュー Vol.1

☆インタヴュー Vol.2



☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュ

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart2

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart3

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart4

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart5

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart6

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart7

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart8

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart9

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart10

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart11


☆ Tadami Yamada's short story

Death Mask

That Man

The Infancy Lover's Suicide

★Poetry of Tadami Yamada(1)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(2)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(3)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(4)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(5)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(6)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(7)

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU (2)


Free Poster (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 2 (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 3 (無料ポスター)












This is the world

命の尊厳:Sanctity of Life


Stop All Wars

✴️Tadami Yamada’s Brief Personal Record


Mar 24, 2014
Death of My Lovely Cat Mari

by Tadami Yamada

My cat Mari died of decrepitude at 14 past 12 a.m., 22 March.
Born June 1998, she was 15 years and 8 months old.
In the morning today I've gone a cemetery park with her body
and have took the barrel permit in the Buddhist manner.

Mari was a quiet cat though, but going downhill fast
from the beginning of this year, and when she wanted to
jump up to the high cat-walk, failed, fell on the ground.
Mari seemed she couldn't bereave at all her miss.

Another day Mari tried jumping again, and succeeded,
And she jumped another distant cat-walk, she succeeded.
But she couldn't back, ---mightn't remain her power ,
Mari fell again on the ground that was observed by my family.

Mari was led to scrunch alone so that her sisters became not to play with her,
or she came to my studio, slept on my working desk. Such days increased.
Still she had a good appetite, wanted to eat a piece of cheese in my lunch.
As Mari liked canned chicken, I would always buy many cans for her.

But her appetite was recently uneven, no, it was not 'uneven',
it seemed she wanted to eat though, but she couldn't eat.
Since her bowels move was very well, I'd no anxiety about it.
But she had become less and less in her weight. No good sign.

At last I had to bring meals her mouth by my fingers.
I bandaged up my hand with packing tape for a protection
against her nails, and then forced her mouth open,
dipped my fingers with a very little ball of minced soft meat.

To eat once, she seemed that she became to want to eat more by herself,
then she tried her mouth to get the plate, and ate meal little by little.
I gave her favorite cheese which I warmed up and softened,
or I had her drunk a raw egg, or gave minced raw tuna fish too.

Yesterday I thought Mari was going downhill much more.
But I had to go out. She was on her favorite bed in the entrance hall.
I said, ''Mari, my dear, take care of this house in a while''
Draping herself across the bed Mari looked at me, no saying.

When I came back home, Mari still was laying on the bed.
Leaving the door open, I went to my carport, and came back again.
Mari disappeared.
''Mari! Where are you?'', I called.

Then Mari showed up from the back yard of the house,
tottering, walked a few steps as if it seemed she endeavored
to best she could be. I thought so.
''Mari! Where were you going?'', I said.

I took up her in my arms.
And then the truth burst upon me.
She felt her own dying so that she
did the last sight of the house, didn't her?

I placed gently Mari on her bed, however, since I
want to go to the studio, she staggered to her feet,
got off the bed like tumbling down, and was following me.
I took up her in my arm, and went to the studio with her.

I lay down her on my working desk on which little blanket was.
I whispered, ''Mari, my dear, you are a gentle lady!''
Just then Mari made joyful sounds with her throat.
It was for the first time in a long time, it moved me deeply.

And Mari tottered to her feet again, reached out her
right hand for me, tried to come down on my lap.
''Do you want to come on my lap, Mari? Good good, come on''
I decided not to go my painting work in the afternoon.

When I fed her evening meal, I felt a distinct wrong.
Her mouth's muscles became unusually hard.
Third lid of her eyes enlarged, and eyeballs were slightly foggy.
I looked into her eyes, Mari's reflected my eyes. I couldn't say any words.

That night I decided not to sleep, so I made her bed on my desk,
and went on stroking softly on her head and her back.
She made again a faint joyful sound in her throat.
'' Good good, Mari, sleep''

It was 12 a.m..
Mari's left leg twitched in a moment.
It was like that our eyes were moving in REM sleep.
I thought, ''At last the time has come''

After a few minutes her left fore arm twitched now.
''Mari, lovely, lovely, you are a strong, strong in mind''
I held her hand, felt cold, felt her hand to grew colder and colder.
Her face was beginning to become rigid.

Her cheeks' skin stuck to the bone.
I scented out a faintly putrid smell that was
characteristic of something like sour.
''Mari, I love you, you held fast to now so much''

Struggling Mari opened her mouth
as if she tried to inhale air though,
however, no air. It was her last gasp.
I pressed my fore head to her cheek.

And I pushed her heart again and again.
Her heart moved again, but only once.
Mari's life came to the end.
'''My lovely Mari, good by. Thank you with me''

Since coming back from the funeral, I looked at
Mari's bed on which her white and brown hairs attached to.
Although she was rather small body, but
I felt many openings around in my house.


Last updated  Mar 26, 2014 11:23:33 AM
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いいね! -- / --


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