市中心の丘上には、州議会議事堂があり、隣接してブッシュネル公園(Bushnell Park)があって、市民散策に絶好の場所ともなっています。 其処にある、市民戦争凱旋門(Soldiers &Sailors Memorial Arch)はヨーロッパから移築したのではないかと思われるレンガ製の市民戦争凱旋門(Soldiers &Sailors Memorial Arch)があります。
The arch was dedicated on September 17, 1886, the anniversary of the Battle of Antietam to honor the 4,000 Hartford citizens who served in the Civil War, and the 400 who died for the Union. This Gothic monument is made of brownstone from Portland, Connecticut. Notice especially the terra cotta frieze depicting scenes from the Civil War, and midway below it, eight-foot-tall statues representing the various kinds of residents who left their homes, families and businesses to fight in the War: student, farmer, freed slave, stone mason, carpenter and blacksmith. The original terra cotta angels, Gabriel and Raphael, which crown each tower, were replicated in bronze and replaced in 1987.