


西洋史関連(邦語文献)  ・ 西洋史関連(邦訳書)  ・西洋史関連(洋書) ・ 西洋史関連(史料)  ・ その他教養

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Nicole Bériou and David L. d'Avray, Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons. Essays of Marriage, Death, History and Sanctity , Spoleto, 1994

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Jacqueline Hamesse, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Debra L. Stoudt, Anne T. Thayer (eds.), Medieval Sermons and Society: Cloister, City, University , Louvain-la-Neuve, 1998

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Edith Wilks Dolnikowski, Rosemary Drage Hale, Darleen Pryds and Anne T. Thayer (eds.), Models of Holiness in Medieval Sermons , Louvain-la-Neuve, 1996

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(外国語―西欧中世史料類型叢書Typologie des sources du moyen age occidental)

・Fasc.1) L. Genicot, Introduction , Brepols / Turnhout, 1986 (1972)
・Fasc 13) Omer Jodogneet / Jean Charles Payen, Le Fabliau / Le lai narratif , Brepols / Turnhout, 1975
・Fasc.17) Giles Constable, Letters and Letter-Collections , Brepols, 1976
・Fasc.20) Michel Pastoureau, Les armoiries 2 e edition, Brepols / Turnhout, 1998 (1977)
・Fasc.36) Michel Pastoureau, Les sceaux , Brepols / Turnhout, 1981
・Fasc.40) Claude Bremond, Jacques Le Goff et Jean-Claude Schmitt, L'《exemplum》 2 e edition, Brepols / Turnhout, 1996
・Fasc.42) Michel Pastoureau, Jetons, mereaux et medailles , Brepols / Turnhout, 1984
・Fasc.61) Marianne G. Briscoe / Barbara H. Jaye, Artes Praedicandi / Artes Orandi , Brepols / Turnhout, 1992
・Fasc.81-83) Beverly Mayne Kienzle, The Sermon , Brepols / Turnhout, 2000

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